Podiatry / Diabetic Foot
  • The department of podiatry/ diabetic foot care deals with the study, correct diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ankle, foot and lower extremity in patients having a diabetic problem. The team specializes in preventing the need for the surgical procedure by its expert management skills and taking complete care of diabetic foot ulcers which are in the form of an open laceration that occur on the bottom part of the foot in diabetic patients. Such patients have poor blood circulation which affects their foot’s blood supply.

  • The circulation issues can be caused by the clogged arteries hence, allowing less blood to pass through. Some of the common causes of this condition include high amount of blood fat, smoking and increased blood glucose levels.

  • The team is highly experienced in managing such conditions and is expert in handeling how to control the blood fat in the body, maintaining the blood glucose levels, and thereby not requiring surgery. The team ensures to render quality services, compassionate care and expert counseling sessions to all its patients and is focused on providing quality life to the patients.